Projects of Bellevue's Grand Connection Program
NE 6th Street HOV Extension Across
NE 6th Street HOV Extension Across I-405
The Bellevue Downtown light rail station and Bellevue Transit Center serve as downtown’s multimodal hub, anchoring the western landing of the Grand Connection Crossing. The eastward extension of the NE 6th Street HOV bridge over northbound I-405 would allow buses and carpools to cross the highway and access the HOT/HOV lanes on I-405 directly from downtown and Wilburton, improving transit time and reliability entering and exiting downtown. NE 6th Street would cross I-405 just north of the Grand Connection Crossing and Sound Transit light rail bridge, connecting in Wilburton at 116th Avenue NE. This project in concept is part of WSDOT’s I-405 Master Plan and is modeled as part of the Wilburton Comprehensive Plan update EIS but the project currently remains unfunded and timing depends on legislative priorities.